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CPC 认证资料提交被亚马逊拒绝常见原因
发布时间:2024-04-08        浏览次数:47        返回列表
CPC 认证资料提交被亚马逊拒绝常见原因

CPC 认证资料提交被亚马逊拒绝常见原因

CPC 认证比较难的在于你按要求提交了资料,还是没有通过,直接就被拒绝了。遇到 CPC 被拒的情况,首先需要检测你的 CPC 证书需包含的 7 点信息,如果你的证书包含了以上信息却还是被拒了,则需要根据亚马逊回复的邮件内容来针对性解决了。


亚马逊回复:We noticed that the recommended Age Grade of the ASIN is missing on the product (s) detail page.

Please update the product (s) detail page with the recommended Age Grading (the manufacturer_minimum_age attribute) identified on the ASINs third party test report in order to move forward with the approval process.

分析:Listing 后台缺少产品的适用年龄描述,在后台更新好即可。


亚马逊回复: The CPC submitted is missing required information. To move forward with the approvals process for your product, please resubmit the document with the following updated information:

US importer or domestic manufacturer name, mailing address, contact information located in United States.

分析:CPC 证书内缺少进口商信息,需要补全相关信息。


亚马逊回复:Contact information for the individual maintaining records, including name, full mailing address, email address,and telephone number.

分析:CPC 证书上缺少测试结果维护联系人的相关信息。


亚马逊回复:In order to review your documents related to Product Assurance of Toys, please submit them on Vendor Central using the following steps:

4.1. In Vendor Central, click the Items menu, and then select Vendor Certificates

4.2. Click on Missing Compliance documents;

4.3. Search for the affected ASIN and then;

4.4. Click Add to upload the documents.

分析:不要在 CASE 中回复内容和提交文件,需要在菜单目录栏找到查看销售申请,再找到被拒绝的 ASIN ,重新提交证书进行审核。


亚马逊回复:Please be informed that we can only accept product images. Therefore, kindly take clear photo of the product and product packaging clearly displaying:

*  Manufacturer Name

*  Manufacturer Address

*  Warning label (as applicable)

分析:亚马逊要求的1 项商品图片中,产品的实拍图需要清楚地体现出制造商名称、制造商地址和警告标语等。

警告语格式也有要求, 3 岁以下使用含有小部件的需要体现。

六、CPC 证书盖章问题

亚马逊回复:In order to move forward with the approval process, please submit the Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) that is issued by the manufacturer, importer, or private labeler based on the guidelines stated in the Consumer Product Safety Com

核心提示:CPC 认证资料提交被亚马逊拒绝常见原因CPC 认证比较难的在于你按要求提交了资料,还是没有通过,直接就被拒绝了。遇到 CPC 被拒
  • 地址:深圳市龙岗区南湾街道南岭村南洋花园A6栋17H
  • 电话:18818910727
  • 手机:18818910727
  • 联系人:何秋香